Dulwich College- race, gender and class privilege

Monisha Issano Jackson
11 min readMar 30, 2021

Before I begin this piece, I want to acknowledge the purpose and limitations of writing this as well as tell you a bit about myself...

A brief summary of my work: I am a race, gender and sexuality scholar currently in a Sociology PhD program in the US. From 2016–2019 I was involved in both the Why Is My Curriculum White? campaign and decolonising higher education movements in the UK. I have served as both a women’s and “BME” liberation co-ordinator at the University of Leeds where I was voted a representative and delegate at national conferences…



Monisha Issano Jackson

Lesbian Black feminist PhDing in Atlanta, GA. Born and raised in South London. Indo & Afro Guyanese. Focused on race, gender, sexuality, colonialism and JOY.